Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2nd Payment Due For Overnight Field Trips

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is just a reminder that the 2nd payment for the Middle School Overnight Field Trips are due this Friday - 12-13-13. 

$70 for Barrier Island
$50 for Mountain Trail Outdoor School
$120 for Washington, D.C.

Let us know if you have any questions!!

Mrs. Williams

Friday, December 6, 2013

6th Grade Barrier Island Field Trip - Updated Information

Dear Parents,

In planning our trip to Barrier Island, we have stayed in constant contact with the directors there.  Unfortunately, a few weeks ago we were notified that the amount of parent chaperones exceeded our allotted spots.  So, we have been brainstorming and trying to come up with possible solutions to this problem.  After reviewing everything, the final chaperones are listed below:

Here are the chaperones for the Barrier Island Trip 2013-2014:

Theresa Gavin
Dianne Hawkins
Karen Kerr
Donna Upchurch
Dana Crichton
Cindy Hudson
Tracy Pearson
Angela Richardson

Brian Brown
Scott Kenning
Jim Torrence
Joe Koslick
Casey McCorkle
Chris Hill

We are looking forward to a wonderful trip for our students. Please let us know if you have any questions!!

Mrs. Williams and the 6th Grade Team

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fundraiser Items - Update

The fundraiser items will be delivered, December 4th. You can start picking up items at 1:00 p.m.
Please come to the front office of the MS/HS building and ask for Paula Powers. We will be here until 6:00 p.m. If you sold cookie dough, please make arrangements to pick up these items. We will not be sending items home with students.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 
christina.williams@lincolncharter.org or 704-483-6611. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fundraiser Items

     The company changed the date to December 4, 2013. You if you sell/order cookie dough, please make arrangements to pick up these items on this date. Times of delivery will be posted soon!!
Let us know if you have any questions!

7th Grade Newsletter 11-22-13

7th Grade Newsletter 11-22-13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Middle School Clubs

We are excited to be offering our students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of clubs here at Lincoln Charter School. Even though students are involved in activities outside of school, we wanted to create more opportunities on campus. Clubs will meet during school twice a month. Below is a little bit about each club in the Middle School. 

Middle School Club Descriptions

Sunday, November 10, 2013

SOAR Binder System/Study Skills

One of the biggest frustrations of teachers and parents is that students have difficulty with keeping track of assignments, finding completed work, keeping their folders and book bags in order.

We adopting this program to transform this........into this - see picture below!!

We need your help with your child's organization so that they can concentrate on the study skills aspect of this program. Please help your child by reviewing the following:

1. Checking the backpack for loose papers.
2. The front pocket is only for important papers that the teacher has asked them to place there.
3. Establish a home filling system. Students will periodically clean out their binders and will need to file them at home!
4. Students should be using their planner daily. They are given time in class to write in their planners their assignments. If you see that your child is not using their planner, please contact your child's homeroom teacher.

Why did we choose to implement this study skills program?

According to the Department of Education:
·         40% of US students are required to take a remedial college course.
·         66% of US high school HONOR students fall behind in college.
·         50% of US college students drop out before completing a degree in college.

In April, 2009, Ohio State University published a study confirming the dramatic impact study skills can have on college graduation rates.
According to the study:
·         45% – the increased likelihood that “struggling” high school students would graduate from college if they were taught study skills .
·         600% – the increased likelihood that “average” high school students would graduate from college if they were taught study skills in Middle and High School!

Most students are naturally stronger in some subject areas than others. It’s commonplace for a student to be strong in language arts and social studies and weak in math and science or vice versa. Fortunately, learning foundational study skills can help students excel in all areas of the curriculum. Students enrolled in an effective study system will quickly find that although the subject matter being learned varies from class to class, the same effective, research-backed study skills can be applied to every content area, resulting in success across the board.

If you’ve ever seen a student struggling over a concept or trying their best to figure out how to study for an exam, you know it can be a pretty pitiful site. It’s difficult to see a student try so hard and still fail to pass a test or master a subject. Many students who put forth this amount of effort and still fail time and time again get so frustrated that they simply give up and stop trying altogether. The problem in these cases is clearly not a lack of effort. Instead, the problem lies in the fact that many students simply aren’t aware of effective study methods that could enable them to learn the material in a fraction of the time while allowing them to improve grades in every subject matter.

7th Grade Newsletter 11-8-13

7th Grade Newsletter 11-8-13

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

LCS Math Counts - Denver

Math Counts
Lincoln Charter School
Denver Campus


The Lincoln Charter School MathCounts Chapters are designed to excite and challenge middle school students. With four levels of competition, from school to national, LCS MathCounts teams will prepare through the school year. All preparation and competition materials are provided by the MathCounts program. Participating in the various competitions provides students with the opportunity to go head-to-head against their peers from other schools, cities and states to earn individual prizes. Students who progress through the levels of competition are eligible to participate in the 2014 Raytheon MathCounts National Competition in Orlando, Florida.


In order to participate on the Lincoln Charter School MathCounts team, students must meet the following criteria:

1. Enrolled in a 6th, 7th, 8th grade Advanced Math Class
2. Have an overall Math Grade of 85 or higher or previous participation and/or teacher invitation
3. No discipline issues that would hinder the progress of preparing and/or competing in the MathCounts program.

Participation Requirements
Students will be required to attend all practices scheduled as well as participate in competitions when necessary. Parents should be aware that students will need to be picked up on time for after school practices.  

After School Practice Dates:
Wednesday - 11/13/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 11/20/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 12/4/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 12/11/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 12/18/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 1/8/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 1/15/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 1/22/13 - 3:00 - 4:00
Wednesday - 1/29/13 - 3:00 - 4:00

Competition Dates:
February 1-28, 2014
Chapter Competitions

March 1-31, 2014
State Competitions

May 9, 2014
2014 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Championship held in Orlando, FL

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Overnight Field Trip Fundraiser

1.      Turn in your order form by October 29, 2013  to your homeroom teacher
* Order forms will not be accepted after the 29th

2.      Products will be here on November 21, 2013! You if you sell/order cookie dough, please make arrangements to pick up these items on this date. 

Click here for the parent/student letter with more information. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Middle School Dance - Masquerade Costume Ball

All middle school students are invited to the annual MS Halloween Dance. The theme of this year's dance is Masquerade Costume Ball, Where your Dreams and Nightmares Collide. The dance will be held in the lower building on October 23 from 6:45-8:45pm. Tickets sells ended on October 21st. However, tickets can be purchased at the door for $10.00 per person. 

Students may be dropped off for the dance beginning at 6:45pm under the red awning of the lower building next to the playground. Pick up for the dance will begin promptly at 8:45pm. Pick up will be under the red canopy on the south side of the lower building. Pick up line will follow lower building car rider procedures. Cars will only be allowed to exit out the back entrance of the lower building and turn right on to Hwy 16. No cars will be allowed to drive around the backside of the lower building. We would greatly appreciate students trying to carpool to avoid cars backing up Hwy 16. 

If you have any questions, please let me know!!

Mrs. Williams

7th Grade News 10-18-13

7th Grade News 10-18-13

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Instagram: Photo and Video Posting Dangers for Young People

three teen girls taking a pictureIntroduction
Teens and tweens frequently post photos online using their cell phones. One of the most popular mobile applications (apps) for photo sharing is called Instagram. This free, online photo sharing and social network application was launched in 2010 and was acquired by Facebook in 2012. 
Instagram allows members to digitally edit, upload and share photos and short videos with other members through the Instagram website, email, and other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumbler, and Flickr—all with a single click.
Instagram Dangers
Instagram states in its Terms of Use that is not for children under the age of 13. However, the age requirement can be spoofed easily by a tenacious young person falsely posting an incorrect birth year when creating an account or even later producing a fraudulent ID when confronted for proof of age by the Instagram website.
The biggest danger for young people is that the photos and videos that they are posting on Instagram are accessible to countless unintended viewers as the Instagram member accounts are automatically defaulted to the “public” viewing setting, which means the images can be viewed by anyone in the world. To modify the public viewing feature, one must manually make changes to the Instagram default privacy settings. 
Once one’s profile has been personalized to more private settings, anyone who wants to see the photos will need to be the user’s friend or be on Instagram’s approved “follower” first. To be approved, one must send the user a request and the user must approve the request.
Images that young people upload to Instagram not only default to a public viewing setting but are also “geotagged” by default. Geotagging is the process of adding geographical metadata to photos or videos. This metadata usually consists of latitude and longitude coordinates. With this imbedded data, child molesters, who are most often on the cutting edge of technology, can copy photos and can also generate Google map locations of where a young person spends most of his or her time.
Instagram recently launched “photo tagging,” which is one of the powerful social networking features that fueled Facebook’s early growth. This feature allows a user to “tag” or highlight any person in a photo, which then automatically appears in the “Photos Of You” section of one’s profile. Unfortunately, even if one is proactive and changes a young person’s Instagram settings to “private” and disables the geo-location feature, there are still dangers. For example, if a young person’s friends have not changed their profile default settings, the photos they upload and have tagged still have the same danger of a non-approved friend viewing them or mapping and tracking a young person’s activities.
One should also be aware that when a young person upgrades his or her phone’s operating system software, the settings that one previously set for privacy with the geo-location disabled will automatically revert back to the default public viewing and geo-location enabled.
Additionally, on December 17, 2012, Instagram updated its Terms of Service, granting itself the right to sell users’ photos to third parties without notification or compensation starting on January 16, 2013. An outpouring of criticism from privacy advocates prompted Instagram to issue a statement retracting the controversial terms. The issue caused Instagram to lose a portion of its user-base as former users switched to other photo sharing applications such as Flickr or Snapfish. Even though Instagram retracted the policy, the dangers of posting on Instagram or other social media sites were emphasized by the incident.
As technology continues to change rapidly, all of us charged with protecting children must continue our efforts to stay abreast of the many new programs and applications that may be used by child abusers to manipulate and exploit children. 

7th Grade News 10/4/2013

7th Grade News 10/4/2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Overnight Field Trip Fundraiser - Great American Opportunities

We are excited about this year’s field trip fundraiser!  All the materials for your child to participate and raise money for his/her own field trip account will be in a packet that will be distributed (Friday, October 11th).  This is a voluntary fundraiser. Students are not required to participate but highly encouraged!  In the past, motivated students have raised their entire field trip cost through fundraisers.  For every sale, your child will receive a certain percentage to apply to their overnight field trip.   We are partnering with great company-Great American Opportunities -for this successful event. Click here to visit their website. More information to come!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear LCS 8th grade Students, Parents, and Guardians,

We have an exciting trip planned for the 8th grade overnight field trip this year. The class will be heading to Washington, D.C April 14-16, 2014 (Monday - Wednesday). We will leave Monday morning (early!) from LCS and return to school Wednesday evening (late evening). This trip is an awesome educational opportunity and tons of fun for everyone! Please click here for more information!! 

7th Grade Newsletter 9-30-13

7th Grade Newsletter 9-30-13

Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Math Books!!!!

We wanted to make sure that our parents knew about the new investment in middle school math. Even if you already knew, you may not realize the many support options they offer both online and in hard copy - besides the online book, there are tutor videos, self check quizzes and practice exercises. They even have an app that gives you a quick and easy way to study key vocabulary terms. Click here for more information.

Here is the login page - please contact your child's teacher if your child says they do not have a username and password! 

Click below for more information regarding the new math books!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

6th Grade Barrier Island 2014 Field Trip

We have an exciting trip planned for the 2014 6th grade overnight field trip.  The class will be heading to the Barrier Island Environmental Education Center which is located on Seabrook Island, SC (near Charleston) April 14th thru April 16th (Monday-Wednesday). Please click here to access our website with more information! Click here to access the Barrier Island website. Click here to view our 2013 trip!